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Awarded Best in Travel 2023

About Best In Travel 2023

There are few city silhouettes more striking than Dresden’s. The classic view from the Elbe’s northern bank takes in spires, towers and domes belonging to palaces, churches and stately buildings, and indeed it's hard to believe that the city was all but wiped off the map by Allied bombings in 1945.

Dresden's cultural heyday came during the 18th-century reigns of Augustus the Strong (August der Starke) and his son Augustus III, who sponsored many of Dresden’s iconic buildings, including the Zwinger and the Frauenkirche. While the devastating 1945 Allied firestorm levelled most of these treasures, their contents were safely removed before the bombings and now take pride of place in Dresden's rebuilt museums.

Across the river from this treasure trove of classic art and architecture, Dresden's Neustadt has dozens of funky restaurants, shops and one of the liveliest nightlife scenes in Germany's east.

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Just back from: Eastern Germany



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